Surveying northern Finnish SME companies how they utilize data.

This project was done in Capstone project course during final year master's degree. I had the honor of being project manager for this group project of five.

The project aimed to provide answers for next questions:
- How well do case company's B2B customer understand the possibilities and challenges in data utilization?
- What affects their behavioral intention and behavior?

Following concepts were used to provide answers to these questions:
- Utilizing UTAUT2 (Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology) model
- Descriptive analytics, confirmatory factor analysis, regression analysis, variability analysis and reliability analysis
- Survey data gathered from over 120 northern Finnish companies during project

How we investigated the issue?

Questions were approached using UTAUT2 model which uses variables to predict how behavioral intent can predict certain behavior. 
In our case, survey was made to interview companies about utilization of data. Questions were based on four different factors seen in the left side of the UTAUT 2 model. 
Picture on the right side shows, how these survey questions are being analyzed in SPSS during confirmatory factor analysis.

Sample Headline

Sample text.