This project was started during 2022 summer. Later, it served as a subject for my master's thesis, which was written during February 2023 - May 2023. Goal behind this project was to help IT company's support team improve their internal reporting tools by giving stakeholders access to use Power BI. Requirements for the Power BI project was gathered by interviewing 9 senior-level employees. Providing users capabilities to utilize business intelligence tools helps employees to eliminate the lag in decision-making and can help them find additional insights of problematic areas.
Technologies: Data from Jira to Power BI is extracted with REST API. Python is used during extraction to transform the data to desired format while tracking how long tickets have been in certain statuses. In Power Query, data is further transformed with M Code
. Key performance indicators are created with DAX .
Thesis grade: 4
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Reports use simple filters to help users filter data based. This makes Jira data more accessible and gives data visualization capabilities as graphs change based on the filtered data.
Reports get their data from widely used project management tools, Jira. Other data source used in project is Microsoft's Dynamics, which gets used service hours from internal working hour reporting software
Utilizing Power BI in support team allows users to analyze historical trends between the tickets while offering interactive features.
Thesis found out that the report in its current state can serve as an efficient addition to the currently used reporting tools, as it offered functionalities that were not available at case company's other reporting tools. These capabilities included providing streamlined way to access data from multiple data sources, capabilities to visualize data, filter data, and track KPIs .
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